Tuesday, 22 April 2014

I am with you always, 
to the very end of the age.


These were the last words I spoke before ascending into heaven.  

I continue to proclaim this promise to all who will listen.  

People respond to My continual Presence in various ways.  Most Christians accept this teaching as truth but ignore it in their daily living.  Some ill-taught or wounded believers fear (and may even resent) My awareness of all they do, say and think.  A few people centre their lives around this glorious promise and find themselves blessed beyond all expectations.

When My presence is the focal point of your consciousness, all the pieces of your life fall into place.  As you gaze at Me through the eyes of your heart, you can see the world around you from My perspective.  The fact that I am with you makes every moment of your life meaningful.*

As disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ we practice pursuing Him in all our thoughts and actions daily, just as a child is constantly mindful of a parents teaching, a servant to a master, employee to employer but with an added difference.  The consuming desire for Him, to involve Him in every thought, to not hide our shortcomings, lack of skill, comprehension or have any fear of reproach and correction leads us to experience His unbounded Love that we are immersed in, which constantly keeps us drawing from His River of knowledge, righteousness, truth and exercising the faith muscle resident in our very essence.

David was so affected by the Presence of God that all his other exploits pale in comparison to his abandoned heart for God. We know that he learned to see into God’s realm because of statements like, “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.” The Presence of God affected his seeing. He would constantly practice recognizing the Presence of God. He saw God daily, not with the natural eyes, but with the eyes of faith.**

The blessings that flow beyond expectation are found in the small things every day, such as the gift of access to the vast ocean, a windswept west coast with black sand displaying its own uniqueness in stark contrast to pristine white sands we enjoyed on Chatham Island or family sharing in a simple meal at a time when the world is stressed to the maximum with its hungry pursuit of the trappings of gifts, tinsel and other stuff at Christmas or Easter; relaxing in fellowship with friends as we mull over His significance in our lives with encouragement and exhortation to continue pursuing Him are just some of our many priceless memories and testament to the wondrous workings of Abba.

Every moment of life is meaningful.


We pray that as life’s journey continues you will ‘see’ many blessings with spiritual eyes, discerning His Truth and His ways that convey us into ever deeper intimacy with Him and into greater Freedom.

Don & Hannah 

Originally written 2012; edited for this reposting 
*Jesus Calling Devotions for Every Day of the Year: Sarah Young
** Bill Johnson

Friday, 4 April 2014

Consider the Lillies

(and the feijoas)

How often do we grasp tightly to what we have out of fear of what we may not have when our current supply is used?

I was sitting in the sun outside a couple of days ago; we'd just had a wee rock'n'roll earthquake that seemed to last for several minutes (no damage to life or property).  As I settled back into enjoying the moment, a light breeze blowing, birds tweeting nearby, a neighbour obliviously mowing a lawn, a bee flew past heading to a magnolia flower just beyond my shoulder.  Staying perfectly still, I watched it negotiate it's way into the petal then expertly do it's thing, busily working away before departing with a decent load of pollen strapped to it's legs.


It is only a few short years since we had nothing at all in our pantry.... in fact, only three years have passed since we were taken to the end of ourselves; our jobs were gone, finances completely exhausted with access to any credit permanently removed, and pride and self-sufficiency were given a thorough work-over on the anvil as we were hammered to a new depth of trusting while patiently waiting for Father's will to be revealed and obeyed. 

Looking in our pantry today, I'm astounded at the abundance contained within, gratitude and thankfulness overflowing.  However,  almost as rapidly a sense of sadness crept over me as I recalled the extent of trust we chose to tenaciously exercise often moment by moment, and yet the experience drew us in to closer total dependence on Father, to trusting and encouraging each other as we frequently sat hand in hand waiting for Him to provide.  
I suddenly had a yearning for just a dusting of those days to return to the present.  Such precious intimacy in relationship was established in the Three Strand Cord, such great joy, a simplistic, uncluttered state of being, and wholly consuming Peace beyond all understanding continually flowing through our veins are our daily witness. 
Nothing has been lost, everything has been gained.

Sit with the Creator awhile this day and let Him show you marvellous wonders.  They exist - all around you. 
Allow yourself ample time to be immersed in His Love.

You truly are the apple of His eye.

Cease striving to keep your pantry full. 

It already is.