In quietness and trust you
accomplish far more than you can imagine
A little over seven years ago I fare welled my eldest child at the airport as he embarked on his journey overseas, a young man standing in his own right apart from the familiarity and safety of our daily relationship. It was a time of intense grieving at our separation as I watched with mixed emotions this precious and dearly loved Being, who I had nurtured and poured my love into for so many years, leave my immediate sphere of influence, chomping at the bit to give Life a shot his way, as he must.
Over ensuing
months I reflected on many aspects of our journey together including mistakes
made in my parenting but nonetheless, held tightly onto the Hope in whom I
place my Faith and Trust that I had done enough correct things to have prepared
him sufficiently.
Six years on he had his 30th
birthday, a significant milestone, one
I dearly longed to be with him to celebrate but it was not to be. I became resigned to this after a
time, a time that included dealing with some dark and nasty heart issues of resentment,
resisting and overcoming bitterness, accepting that I am powerless over people,
places and things which inhibited my ability to be physically present with my
when you trust Me in all situations,
you release that problem or person into My care.
Three weeks ago I was notified by
my son that he was scheduled for surgery on his spine. He injured his back at work in June and
subsequent investigations showed he required a operation to remedy and prevent potential further damage.
A week later, I was running from the domestic terminal to the
international departure lounge to make the plane and got there with three
minutes to spare, thanks to an airport buddy I conversed with while waiting for
the shuttle who then helped me with unfamiliar changes to airport protocol
implemented since I last travelled.
two days later has been deemed successful and we are now in the healing, rest
and recovery phase with a reassessment in one month.
I am increasingly aware of how one
year ago I easily could have stamped my feet just a little harder and entered into
a destructive manipulative tantrum to achieve what my mother heart desired, but
how in His greater Plan, and with immense Patience and abundant longsuffering,
Father and my precious husband, thank you Don, let me pout and posture knowing
my heart would eventually surrender to His Divine Will as He knew I was going
to be needed on the ground NOW.
This unconditional Love that
allows His children to wander, plot and ponder while attempting our feeble
efforts at controlling Life, has brought me yet again to my knees in gratitude,
humbled by Father’s everlasting abounding Love.
I entered into agreement with Him many years ago, giving Him the Position
of Father in our lives and have seen evidence in many situations that He is fulfilling
all His Promises, to ‘keep’ not only me, but also my children.
What a wonderful
In quietness and trust you
accomplish far more than you can imagine; when you trust Me in all situations,
you release that problem or person into My care.