Monday, 18 November 2013


We have a high profile case currently making headline news in NZ, involving teenage males, public postings which brag about their prowess, naming and shaming on the internet the under-legal-age girl victims of their sexual conquest 

This has generated a nationwide outcry with several public marches being held over the past weekend around the country, police procedures coming under scrutiny and many, many women finding things surfacing that have been deeply hidden, still tender wounds thrust back into their faces.  
As a survivor of rape, I am watching with interest how the dominating male patriarchal system deals with this challenge to their status and centuries held mindsets.   It interests me to observe the manner in how many women address the issue, where protective alliances come to the fore, how dismissive, misguided and misunderstanding to the point of contempt they can be of not only victims of sexual abuse, but other types of control and manipulation perpetuated through out their own family of origin.
It is something that many women simply do not wish to remember, discuss or even acknowledge in public.

The culture of degradation and violation of women is not new to mankind, coming into play as a weapon of the dark one with the tempting of Woman, our eventual succumbing to self and disobedience, Falling from intimate relationship with our Creator, and consequently our casting out from Eden.  
I recently read an excellent book which I recommend below. 
Keeping in mind we read under the direction and discernment of Holy Spirit, so any recommendations made do not mean blanket endorsement of any particular ministry or doctrinal belief.  We need to chew the cud and spit out the fat (gristle, peas, or carrots - any bits that aren't Truth therefore not healthy :o)

In the Garden, woman was taken out of man to stand by his side and co-reign with him. But Satan's schemes have robbed women of their rightful identity, disempowering and defacing them. The world aches for God's original partnership to be brought into balance once more - 

"We have failed to realize that Jesus founded the women's liberation movement more than two thousand years ago." Kris Vallotton
To any woman reading this blog who may be struggling with painful and devastating memories, with low self esteem, no sense of self worth or even trying to survive ongoing attacks of shame or guilt attached to being a victim of abuse,  I encourage you to please seek professional assistance in the first instance.  

As you walk through the valley of the shadow of death (which is what any abuse is as it causes our soul to die another little bit) I pray you will be able to know the Love of your Father who longs to walk through this journey of recovery alongside of you to bring you into a full and complete knowledge of WHO you really are. 
His beloved most precious one.  Made in His image.
One part of the whole.   A hand in a glove.

May Father's Peace roll like sea billows over and over you.... blessings in abundance.

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